October 24, 2005
What IS Financial Freedom?
Financial Freedom!
Financial Freedom!
Financial Freedom!
Everybody's screaming "financial freedom"!
Most THINK they know what it is when they see it. Most THINK they know what it is when they hear about it. Most THINK they know how it feels when they finally get "in the money."
But honestly... The majority are clueless and have no idea what IT (true financial freedom) really is. And the sad part is that close to half of the majority are people "WITH MONEY".
Here's my proof... The average person with or without money, thinks that the guy or woman who:
* Drives a $100,000 mercedes.
* Lives in a $300,000 home or an expensive condo.
* Plays golf on the weekends.
* Wears power suits.
* Takes exotic vacations every summer.
* Kids go to private schools
* etc., etc. etc........
They THINK that these are "the people" who have financial freedom. Now... Don't get me wrong. Some do.
But in reality, most people who you see like this are in debt up to their necks! And besides this... They have an immense amount of stress trying to "keep up the front".
What do I mean? Well... Most of these people are living on debt, i.e....credit.
They're leased and mortgaged down to their socks!
Living beyond their means by the illusion of unlimited capital, which is i.e.... More "revolving" credit. And the "privilege" of delaying payments in full. But then they are ever pressured to keep up the payments. With interest attached.
QUESTION: How is that financial freedom? What...? Just because they can keep up the $1,500 a month car note? The $2,000 a month mortgage? The $600 a month private school bill? Insurance payments? Buy nice clothes? etc., etc. etc........ ???????
How is financial freedom being labeled as locking yourself into payments for 30 years, i.e. a mortgage?
How is financial freedom being labeled as locking yourself into payments for 24 to 36 months to lease (rent really) a vehicle? I mean, I could go on and on, but see... That's the illusion. Keeping you thinking that you can afford it because it's just 3-easy payments of $29.95, i.e....infomercials. (You've probably seen those late at night and even purchased some stuff)
Keeping you thinking that as long as you can make small payments every month, then you can afford it. But then what does the average person begin to do?
Because of their newfound increased cash-flow...
They begin to build a massive list of payments. Now it's 2 or 3 car notes. 2 or 3 homes. (Live in one and then you gotta have a summer home right?) Lots of new furniture --- more payments. etc, etc.....
And soon you have stomach ulcers from the pressure of trying to keep up with monthly payments. Living in fear of missing a payment. The embarrassment of getting a repo on your record. Having a foreclosure. etc. etc.....
Haven't you even heard stories of even movie stars going broke like this?
Sometimes even us (the wealthy) just don't get it. We blow it!
Now I ask you again... Is this financial freedom?
Even if the nice job with the fancy executive title lasts for the next 30 years and you never miss a payment... Just knowing that you're locked into the job because you HAVE TO make payments on your life is NOT financial freedom.
TRUE financial freedom is and can only be defined as being DEBT FREE!!!!!
Paying for things in full with no financing whatsoever. Not chasing money to make payments. Having cash-flow that far exceeds your bills. Being able to take advantage of financial opportunities at a moment's notice, without the stress of seeking monetary help from an outside source. Having a liquid (all cash) reserve of 30 to 50 percent of your entire yearly income. Paying bills the day they come in the mail and not juggling to see who gets paid first. Only having necessary residual bills, i.e....gas, electric, phone, etc. Living your life happily without the stress and negative emotion of "constantly chasing survival".
And once you experience it... You will see the true reality of your circumstances. You will start to see things how "they really are" and not how "you are".
If you take someone who is down in the dumps financially and plop them in front of a TV and one person on the news says that someone, somewhere is struggling...
They now believe that it's ok. They're struggling because the whole world is struggling. They're broke and so is everyone else. They buy into the "It's rough out there" campaign. The economy is falling, etc., etc...
But yet people all over the world continue to race at break-neck speeds to consume and spend at record numbers and the world becomes even more abundant.
And even when things seem to be bad economically, the rich seem to get richer.
Hey, did you know that in the stock market, you can make money even if even your stock goes down?
It's called "options".
it's called a "put".
Making money even if the value declines...
Why do you think that is?
Maybe because you need to start seeing things how "THEY ARE", which is ABUNDANT! I mean just look around you...
There is a sea of money out there in the world today. Everybody is "selling" and "buying" All you gotta know how to do is start (attracting) some of it. Use leverage to multiply it.
Then save at least 30 to 50 percent of it for savings, investing and lifestyle splurging. Live off (pay your bills) with what is left.
That's true financial freedom.
n income that frees you from a perpetual debt cycle so that you can stop chasing money, stop chasing payments and enjoy life!
NOT an income that enslaves and chains you to itself, so that you must totally depend on it, to continuously in-debt yourself, just to keep up a lifestyle.
Financial Freedom!
Financial Freedom!
Everybody's screaming "financial freedom"!
Most THINK they know what it is when they see it. Most THINK they know what it is when they hear about it. Most THINK they know how it feels when they finally get "in the money."
But honestly... The majority are clueless and have no idea what IT (true financial freedom) really is. And the sad part is that close to half of the majority are people "WITH MONEY".
Here's my proof... The average person with or without money, thinks that the guy or woman who:
* Drives a $100,000 mercedes.
* Lives in a $300,000 home or an expensive condo.
* Plays golf on the weekends.
* Wears power suits.
* Takes exotic vacations every summer.
* Kids go to private schools
* etc., etc. etc........
They THINK that these are "the people" who have financial freedom. Now... Don't get me wrong. Some do.
But in reality, most people who you see like this are in debt up to their necks! And besides this... They have an immense amount of stress trying to "keep up the front".
What do I mean? Well... Most of these people are living on debt, i.e....credit.
They're leased and mortgaged down to their socks!
Living beyond their means by the illusion of unlimited capital, which is i.e.... More "revolving" credit. And the "privilege" of delaying payments in full. But then they are ever pressured to keep up the payments. With interest attached.
QUESTION: How is that financial freedom? What...? Just because they can keep up the $1,500 a month car note? The $2,000 a month mortgage? The $600 a month private school bill? Insurance payments? Buy nice clothes? etc., etc. etc........ ???????
How is financial freedom being labeled as locking yourself into payments for 30 years, i.e. a mortgage?
How is financial freedom being labeled as locking yourself into payments for 24 to 36 months to lease (rent really) a vehicle? I mean, I could go on and on, but see... That's the illusion. Keeping you thinking that you can afford it because it's just 3-easy payments of $29.95, i.e....infomercials. (You've probably seen those late at night and even purchased some stuff)
Keeping you thinking that as long as you can make small payments every month, then you can afford it. But then what does the average person begin to do?
Because of their newfound increased cash-flow...
They begin to build a massive list of payments. Now it's 2 or 3 car notes. 2 or 3 homes. (Live in one and then you gotta have a summer home right?) Lots of new furniture --- more payments. etc, etc.....
And soon you have stomach ulcers from the pressure of trying to keep up with monthly payments. Living in fear of missing a payment. The embarrassment of getting a repo on your record. Having a foreclosure. etc. etc.....
Haven't you even heard stories of even movie stars going broke like this?
Sometimes even us (the wealthy) just don't get it. We blow it!
Now I ask you again... Is this financial freedom?
Even if the nice job with the fancy executive title lasts for the next 30 years and you never miss a payment... Just knowing that you're locked into the job because you HAVE TO make payments on your life is NOT financial freedom.
TRUE financial freedom is and can only be defined as being DEBT FREE!!!!!
Paying for things in full with no financing whatsoever. Not chasing money to make payments. Having cash-flow that far exceeds your bills. Being able to take advantage of financial opportunities at a moment's notice, without the stress of seeking monetary help from an outside source. Having a liquid (all cash) reserve of 30 to 50 percent of your entire yearly income. Paying bills the day they come in the mail and not juggling to see who gets paid first. Only having necessary residual bills, i.e....gas, electric, phone, etc. Living your life happily without the stress and negative emotion of "constantly chasing survival".
And once you experience it... You will see the true reality of your circumstances. You will start to see things how "they really are" and not how "you are".
If you take someone who is down in the dumps financially and plop them in front of a TV and one person on the news says that someone, somewhere is struggling...
They now believe that it's ok. They're struggling because the whole world is struggling. They're broke and so is everyone else. They buy into the "It's rough out there" campaign. The economy is falling, etc., etc...
But yet people all over the world continue to race at break-neck speeds to consume and spend at record numbers and the world becomes even more abundant.
And even when things seem to be bad economically, the rich seem to get richer.
Hey, did you know that in the stock market, you can make money even if even your stock goes down?
It's called "options".
it's called a "put".
Making money even if the value declines...
Why do you think that is?
Maybe because you need to start seeing things how "THEY ARE", which is ABUNDANT! I mean just look around you...
There is a sea of money out there in the world today. Everybody is "selling" and "buying" All you gotta know how to do is start (attracting) some of it. Use leverage to multiply it.
Then save at least 30 to 50 percent of it for savings, investing and lifestyle splurging. Live off (pay your bills) with what is left.
That's true financial freedom.
n income that frees you from a perpetual debt cycle so that you can stop chasing money, stop chasing payments and enjoy life!
NOT an income that enslaves and chains you to itself, so that you must totally depend on it, to continuously in-debt yourself, just to keep up a lifestyle.
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Hi Sponduliqs, I am enjoying some idle time and looking to see what Global Business will bring up. What IS Financial Freedom? is certainly interesting and informative. Global Business is a good word to bring into the conversation. Great post. Enjoy your day!
Hi Sponduliqs, taking a little time today to see what Residual Cash Flow will send me to that is interesting. What IS Financial Freedom? looks interesting and is a great read. Will also try Residual Cash Flow in my e-travels. Have a super day!
Hi Sponduliqs, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on Residual Cash Flow and see what came up. What IS Financial Freedom? is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on Residual Cash Flow. Getting late, have a good evening.
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