December 25, 2005


16 Illegal Creditor Actions

A creditor may not use deceptive or misleading means in an effort to collect a debt. That could include the following:

  1. Falsely implying that he is an attorney or government representative.

  2. Falsely implying that you have committed a crime.

  3. Representing correspondence as being from an attorney when it is not.

  4. Implying that nonpayment of any debt will result in loss of personal property, wages, or arrest unless (a) it is lawful and (b) the creditor intends to follow through with such action.

  5. Threatening to take action that is not legal or that the creditor does not intend to take.

  6. Implying that the transfer of interest in the debt to someone else will result in any of the actions in number four.

  7. The false representation that you committed a crime in an effort to disgrace you.

  8. Misrepresenting your credit or failing to communicate that you are disputing a debt.

  9. The use of written communication which simulates or is falsely represented to be a document authorized, issued or approved by any court, official or agency of the U.S. or any state, or which creates a false impression as to its source, authorization, or approval.

  10. The use of any false or deceptive means to attempt to collect a debt or obtain information about a consumer.

  11. Failure to disclose clearly in all communication that the debtor is attempting to collect a debt and that any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

  12. The false representation or implication that accounts have been turned over to innocent purchasers.

  13. The false representation or implication that documents are part of the legal process.

  14. The use of any business, company, or organization name other than the actual name of the debt collector's business.

  15. The false representation that papers being sent to you are not legal process forms when they are.

  16. The false representation that a debt collector is employed by a consumer reporting agency.

[Excerpted from How To Use The Law To Instantly Stop Creditor Harassment. The preceding was just one of eight sections from this chapter.]

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